Yount Art


Private and Group Art Lessons

Unleash Your Creativity with Yount Art

Serving: Boomer, Wilksboro, Lenoir, and Surrounding Area in

North Carolina

Discover the Joy of Art

I've always loved Art! I don't believe you have to be a natural to be able to create something beautiful.

My classes are designed to teach the basics of painting and drawing for beginners of all ages. With a little help you can make something you can be proud of!

Lieke Yount

Art Classes

Learn the Basics

Discover your style

Let's make something together!

Private lessons at your location available for :

Individual: $65 per hour or $200 per month

2-5 People: $35 per person, per hour or $120 per month

Private lessons at Yount Art available for:

Individual: $55 per hour or $175 per month

2-4 People: $30 per person, per hour or $110 per month

Group Lessons at your location:

6-25 People: $30 per person, per hour or $65 per month

I'm located in Boomer, NC. I do charge a $20 travel fee if your location is over 35 miles away. I don't typically travel further than 60 miles but please contact me if you would like to see if I can make an exception for you.


Get better prices by choosing a package below!

Up to 12 people

$250/90 Minutes ($25 per additional participant)

$350/180 Minutes ($35 per additional participant)

What's included:

I provide one canvas per person and painting supplies.

What you provide:

You provide a space appropriate for the number of participants including tables and chairs. Refreshments are at your discretion.

Per month pricing is per person for 1 hour per week

Up to 24 people

$420/90 Minutes ($20 per additional participant)

$520/180 Minutes ($25 per additional participant)

Get in Touch

abstract painting
abstract painting